Media Advisory: From a Solar-Powered Stage, CSU President Penley will Present ‘CSU’s Next Five Years’

Note to Editors: Media planning to attend the address should RSVP to Jennifer Dimas so that special arrangements for parking can be made. Parking is available for media only on Isotope Drive, but the Oval will close to all traffic at 11:15 a.m.


From a solar-powered stage, Colorado State University President Larry Edward Penley will give his Fall Address focusing on the university vision for the next five years. The address will begin at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 11 on the university’s historic Oval.


The Colorado State Marching Band will start the event at 11:15 a.m. Hannah Hahn, a senior music education major, will sing the National Anthem.

Twenty interactive displays from the university’s colleges and student organizations will be on the northwest side of the Oval.

An all-university picnic will following the address.

The picnic following this year’s Fall Address will generate almost no non-recyclable waste. Guests will be dining with lightweight utensils made from potato starch, which are compostable and can withstand temperatures of up to 170 degrees Fahrenheit. The utensils come from a selection of tree-free biodegradable plates made from bagasse, a sugarcane byproduct, which can be disposed in compost bins, and are priced better than paper counterparts. Disposable, compostable and biodegradable plates made from 100 percent bagasse sugarcane fiber also will be used.


Jennifer Dimas

(970) 491-1543
