Mountain Pine Beetle Infested Trees Removed; New Seedlings Planted at Pingree Park

This summer, Colorado State University’s Pingree Park and the Colorado State Forest Service are working together to clear dead and mountain pine beetle infested trees from the Pingree Park mountain campus. As pines are cut and cleared, new seedlings will be planted.  

Ponderosa pines will be planted during the course of the summer with limber pines and Douglas-fir to follow.

"In addition to making the campus safer by taking out standing dead trees, the new campus forest should have a wider diversity of tree species. A more diverse forest is less susceptible to future insect and disease problems," said Pat Ratsall, director of the Pingree Park campus.

The project involves members of CSU plant growth facilities who potted nearly 200 young ponderosas, which will be planted in the park this summer. These potted ponderosas were distributed to area elementary schools this spring where students cared for the trees until they are planted at Pingree Park this summer.

Fort Collins fifth-graders who will be staying at Pingree Park in the fall as part of the Eco-Week environmental science program will be able to see the trees that they watered and took care of planted in their new home at the park. CSU summer students attending Pingree Park from the Warner College of Natural Resources will care for the seedlings during their four-week stay at the park.
