Get Educated Names Colorado State University Online Degrees as Best Buys

Colorado State University’s online Psychology undergraduate degree completion program and Master of Engineering, Civil Engineering specialization, were independently reviewed and ranked by as top "Best Buys.” The data-driven lists spotlight the most affordable online degrees from regionally accredited colleges.

The psychology degree rankings were calculated by analyzing 99 online bachelor’s in psychology, human services, and the social sciences. Only the top 36 best values made the 2013 ranking list. The engineering master’s rankings were determined by evaluating 193 online programs for engineers; the top 44 best values made the 2013 ranking list.

About CSU’s online Psychology bachelor’s completion program

Colorado State’s online bachelor’s degree completion program in Psychology teaches students to think like scientists. Unlike other psychology programs which often result in a Bachelor of Arts, CSU’s Bachelor of Science curriculum carries a strong science influence. Combined with its liberal arts complement, this component will help students develop skills employers are looking for across a range of industries, including but not limited to psychology.

The program teaches students cross-functional skills such as written and oral communication, cooperation, analytical and critical thinking, as well as principles and concepts used in several basic psychological content areas and scientific methods used in psychological research.

To learn more about this degree program, visit or contact Trevor Eyden at 970-491-6016 or

About CSU’s online Master of Engineering, Civil Engineering specialization

Colorado State’s online Master of Engineering, Civil Engineering specialization, features a nationally renowned curriculum taught by faculty known throughout the industry for their research and expertise. The program offers three focus areas including Geospatial Engineering, Structural Engineering, and the most well-known, unique and sought-after, Water Resources Engineering.

To learn more about this degree program, visit or contact Shantel Rizzotto at 970-492-4721 or

About Colorado State University OnlinePlus

Colorado State University OnlinePlus has more than 45 years of experience delivering online and distance education. We support the University’s land-grant mission of expanding access to education by connecting students who cannot or choose not to come to campus with Colorado State’s renowned faculty, research, and academic curricula, delivering high-quality, in-demand degrees and courses with the convenience and innovation that today’s students need.

CSU OnlinePlus is a division of the Office of Engagement, which strengthens CSU’s ability to achieve excellence in the areas of teaching and learning, retention and graduation, admissions and access, and engagement and service and assists communities through engagement, scientific discovery, and regional research.

For more information about Colorado State University OnlinePlus, visit or call (970) 491-5288.
