Media Advisory: Monfort Professor Kelly Martin presents ‘Consumption at the Extremes’ Nov. 18


Monfort Professor Kelly Martin, an associate professor of marketing at Colorado State University, will present “Consumption at the Extremes: Social and Cultural Influences” in the Monfort Professor Lecture at 4 p.m. on Nov. 18 in Clark A, Room 207, on campus.

During Martin’s talk, she will discuss her research on global consumer behavior patterns influenced by various social and cultural forces. She also will discuss some surprising ways that people interact with the marketplace, including findings on how they acquire, consume and conserve material possessions.

Martin is the first College of Business faculty member to receive a Monfort Professorship, the highest honor Colorado State University bestows on young professors. Martin has been a professor for less than a decade.

The Monfort Family Foundation funds the professorship to support young faculty as they advance their careers through teaching and research. Each year, a committee chaired by the provost selects two faculty members as Monfort Professorship recipients. Monfort Professors retain this prestigious designation for two years, and receive $75,000 each year to further their teaching and research.

The event, which is free and open to the public, is hosted by the Monfort Excellence Fund and CSU’s Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President.

Jennifer Dimas at or (970)988-4265.