Media Advisory: Colorado State University students to teach thousands of third-graders about agriculture Sept. 28-29

With the return of CSU’s Agricultural Sciences students to Colorado State this fall, a long-loved tradition also returns; Agricultural Adventure Day.


The Colorado State Agricultural Research Development and Education Center (ARDEC) will host 72 classrooms of third-graders throughout the Poudre School District for a two-day event – Sept. 28-29 – to showcase a variety of different aspects of agriculture.


PSD third-graders will experience hands-on agriculture at various stations where CSU College of Agricultural Sciences students will show them their respective crafts, teach them about their importance and include demonstrations for each task. This year, just a few of the many agricultural clubs creating displays for Agricultural Adventure Day include the Agronomy Club, Horticulture Club, Agribusiness Association, Sigma Alpha, Alpha Gamma Rho, FarmHouse and many more.

PSD students will attend sessions from 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. both days.


Jennifer Dimas at or (970) 988-4265.